10 Things to put on your to-do list this year

We are well into 2019 now. Those New Year’s resolutions have probably been long forgotten by now… which is why we wanted to refresh your enthusiasm for the year ahead. With 10 months of 2019 to go, it’s not too late to make this the best year yet!

Here are 10 things to put on your to-do list for the next 10 months of 2019.


  1. Make belly breathing a habit: When we are stressed we tend to shallow-breathe so our chest only rises and falls. It’s easy to get into a habit of this and it becomes the norm. Be like Budda: let the tummy relax and take the breath all the way down so the tummy rises and falls with each breath. You will immediately feel the difference and your state of mind will become more at ease.
  2. Make time to reset yourself: When we think of retreats, we think uber indulgent with a hefty price tag. They don’t need to be five star. There are plenty of retreats which are 2 or 3 star and provide the perfect oasis for resetting and relaxation. Book one in for later in the year when you know you’ll need it most. It will be something to look forward to.
  3. Think differently about your “stuff”: Don’t use your car much? Car-share it or sell it and Uber everywhere. There are so many different ways of doing things these days allowing us to de-clutter our lives, save money and do good for the environment.
  4. Devise a realistic exercise plan: Now that we are well past the over-eating of Christmas and we have settled into 2019, let’s be realistic about what we can achieve in the exercise department. Create a plan that fits into your regular routine and try and stick to it.
  5. Invest in your positive relationships and say goodbye to unhealthy ones: Time is golden and if someone isn’t adding value to your life or you aren’t feeling any reciprocation, try not to spend much time investing in that relationship. You only have one life so surround yourself with people that are enhancing your life.
  6. Start a regular yoga practice: Most people find meditation hard to do and even harder to fit into their everyday. Yoga is a great form of exercise, but unlike circuit training or running, yoga is a mindful moving meditation. It’s good for the body and even better for the mind.
  7. Start Sunday cook-ups: Buying your lunch at work every day can add up well into the thousands over the course of the year. Save money, time and your health by doing your cooking and snack preparation for the week on a Sunday.
  8. Start to take care of your skin: If you put the time and effort into focusing on the health, nourishment, and protection of your skin, you’ll need less of the treatments to “fix” problems down the track. And don’t underestimate the importance of exfoliation. Clear out the dead skin cells to make room for the fresh, healthy, rejuvenated skin.
  9. Simplify your life: You don’t always need to say yes. Time is precious and doing less is more. Do the things you do better, more mindfully and with more enjoyment. Don’t rush around… it's so 2018.
  10. 3-hour rule: If you fall off the bandwagon of whatever you’re trying to achieve – whether it be diet, exercise or quitting smoking, not all is lost! Try resetting after 3 hours instead of waiting a week to begin again on Monday. It will be easier to achieve because it will be fresh in your mind.

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